
What happens when you can't choose?

Think of a cookie.  Or, even better, a cookie cake.  Why have a cookie when you can have like thirty in one?  One half of it has chocolate frosting and plain cookie, the other has no frosting but is fully loaded with chocolate pieces and tastes amazing.  God I'm hungry aren't I.  Well see, in choosing one, the other is lost forever.  Either because you lose your appetite because it's large as fuck, or it just kinda fades from existence and goes back into the fridge.

This is nice I guess in a way.  Either way, you know that the other is still there.  The other part of the cookie isn't gone per say, just not there in front of your cookie stuffed face.  But is that a nice thing?  I think it is because both are still there.

But there is another outcome.  It could end up that when you pick up the cake, you become the greedy little bastard you are and then drop the entire thing while moving it from the counter to another and it plops right with yesterday's trash.  Then you can't eat it at all!  No matter how hard you try, do you really want to pick it up and dust it off when it's already dead?  It's gone at that point and you can't do anything about it.

Unlike the other scenario where you get half, you don't get to have any if you're too greedy.  But that brings a plethora of its own questions.

Like 'what if I didn't pick up the cookie cake in the first place then it wouldn't fall', or, 'why chocolate, why not nuts,' or, 'why can't I take more than a half,' to name a few.

Well, I don't quite care for these types of questions so it'd rather that you not ask them, thank you very much.

But in all seriousness this is the dilemma that I face right now.  Which side of the cookie should I choose in the end?  Both are equally pleasing to me and I can't bear having either one being away from me.  I know what you'll be saying, "Just don't eat the cookie goddammit" but no, I'm hungry so I have to eat something.  Each half is so important to me.  In the short time that I've had both I fell in love with them both and I don't think that I would be able to live without the other half.

In this dilemma, what am I to do?  What is anyone to do?  But think about it from my perspective.  Each person may choose something different but right now it's my turn.  Two halves of a cookie, two halves of myself.  But the thing is, I don't want to be greedy, the worst thing that can happen is that I drop the cake into the trash.  But I don't want to lose either.  After all, what guarantee do I have that once I put the cookie cake into the freezer it won't go bad, or someone else won't eat it?  It takes some time to have the other half after all, how do I know that something bad won't happen to the other half?

I don't know, perhaps that's a part of the struggle.  Each person tells me something different.  Some would have the frosting, others would have the chocolate chips, others would even try to stuff their faces with both at the same time not worrying that they'll soon drop their plate with no hands to keep it aloft.

Some people would say that there are three types of people in the world based on this scenario, I'd like to argue that there are four types.

Others yet I would imagine that they would say, "Forget about the cookie and go buy yourself a real cake."  But then is the sensation still there?  I would say no.  I wouldn't get the same happiness that I would if I actually had the types of cookie cake because at that point I would already be infatuated with the cookie cake that would be sitting in the fridge while I was eating the cake and I would end up having none of the cookie cake.

How sad is this dilemma?  Well because I'm talking about cookies it doesn't seem sad does it, but either way it still is sad to me.  (If you aren't heartbroken and crying, go and read it when you're really hungry)

Choosing is hard isn't it.  It is for me.  And being indecisive isn't good right now, because if I don't choose both sides will spoil and I won't have anything to stuff my face with.