The People I Hate

If you got through to this page and clicked because of the clickbaity title I'm sorry to disappoint you but this is going to be about the people I love.

Perhaps the only few people I truly hate are the people that are not loyal. Loyal or not they are not true to what they say and are nothing more than cheats. People that lay the blame of their own mistakes and decisions on others, and when there is praise to be taken, take the same people and take their praise for themselves; they take all the good for themselves and spare only the bad for the other people.

But without these people, how could we find the diamonds in the rough?

I do not claim myself to be extraordinary, I have the same flaws as others. This does not chip away the credibility of either me nor the others that I refer to. Each person has their own views (unless they're clones with synthetic brains put in by the aliens and lizard people that control the governments of the world) and this alone gives each person a degree of credibility in what they say.

No matter the circumstance, they must have had some experience in anything that they talk about to even be able to talk about it. This may lead to a small base for credibility but nonetheless, it would still be there.

Now I imagine people yelling at me, screaming 'you aren't talking about the stuff that you promised you would', and I would agree with them.

Then who do I love?

The answer lies not with me but the many sayings that have accumulated throughout human history.

"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God." 1 John 4:7

Now, this is not to turn into a bible study class.

Anyone worth their salt knows I'm not religious, hell I'm not even Christian so I might as well burn in hell for quoting from the Bible, but I know enough to know the love has been a force throughout history.

Fear is bad, love is good: something that is often taught to the children of this world. But how can they believe in this blatant lie when bad things continue to happen throughout the world?

War is common throughout the world. More countries are involved in a conflict of some sort than aren't. Murders happen on a daily basis. Mass shootings have become something that the media lives on; their bread and butter. Politics are going to shit and everything is unraveling. Racism runs rampant throughout even the most 'civilized' areas of the world and in these same areas sexism is so common that when a woman is raped they turn their eyes to their wheel of fortune and look to what the last thing a famous person said was. They tell the victim that it will pass and that it was their fault, that 'if only you had...' and then give a suggestion that they believe would have "helped" them.

These things are the wrongs that are in the world. The world is a fucked up place my friends and I'm sorry that this is this is the case but it is. There are few things that are worse than the conditions that the world is in now.

Climate is going to shit, the world powers have eroding power, countries look inwards instead of looking outward seeing the poverty that lies around them and instead focuses on bettering only themselves. Tensions arise because of the increasing involvement in the Middle East by nearly every developed country, and idiots ride to power in the fears of others. And instead of fixing the world today, society wraps the end of humanity in movies, in games, in books. They turn the demise of the human race into entertainment and sell it at a grand profit.

This is horrible, the world is screwed up right now.

But if we don't understand and work together then the world is truly fucked, my friends.  The world is royally fucked.

Me writing this won't change anything on the large scale, will it?  But I don't care, do I?  Loving people shouldn't be something that is made a job.  It should be natural and I think it is.

Now when I say love people I don't mean kissing every other person you meet on the street but appreciate everyone and understand that each person lives in their own world and none of them are less important than others.  Each person is a person, and each person deserves the same respect as other people.  Yes, there are horrible people in the world but each one was made by people that didn't love them or loved them in the wrong ways.

People are not bad, their experiences are and experiences shape the person.

Just remember this above all, make it your mantra if you really want to, it's mine no matter what.

"I love everybody. Some I love to be around, some I love to avoid, and others I'd love to punch in the face."