The Dream

The boat of dreams always sails on, passing by to pick someone up while on its way.

It has no driver, it has no mind but knows where to go regardless.  It knows no time either and has been in the past, present, and future.

Now it cannot be said that the boat wanders around and picks up a random fellow off of the docks, although this is how this story begins, but it moves with a purpose, stopping for only those that wish to board.

The man in question was a tall fellow, face hid by a large hat that was out of fashion.  The boat had intended to move past that dock but instead was found boarded by the man.

Of course the boat had no mind, but it did have feelings and did have a personality of its own.  Logically this would make sense since a boat of dreams doesn't need the mind when it's dreaming.

The boat thought to itself why the man had boarded and how he had boarded at all.  Those that boarded on this boat never did it on their own free will, why would they when there was so much to enjoy in the real world.  The dream went along with it however, curious as to where the man wanted to go.

The Dream would not wobble, it would not capsize though it looked ancient and had rails made of the oldest wood.  Seaweed trailed along the back end of it as the man willed it to go where he wanted.

Another tip to the boat that this was not a normal man, he was able to manipulate the Dream, this normally didn't happen and when it did it was never this strong.

The man willed the boat to go backwards, the Dream shivered as it had never done before.  What if the man never got off, what if he stayed there.  Would he control the Dream from now on?

The Dream stopped at the dock.  It's sides mahogany with a varnish and fresh paint on the sides spelling the name.

There was a woman that stood just beyond the docks, an older woman with hair of moonlight and a dress made out of the stars.

The boy stepped out of the boat and ran to her, embracing her.

After a while he stepped back into the Dream, willing it to go forward.

At the docks the man stepped out of the rickety boat again, walking off of the docks.