Through the blinds,
the sunlight beams across your skin.
You blanket over me,
On a bed stripped nude like us.
My hair
Ink staining the white pillows,
Swallowing your fingers
Like thick molasses.
Honey streaks across your face
dripping down
Into the puddles of your eyes.
Amber irises dilate.
I admire the jewels.
An itch in my hands swells,
Instinctively I paint my canvas.
Ten soft brushes
Sketch lifework for this masterpiece.
One by one these shades and hues
Rose and bruise my bare muse.
My Klimt, Van Gogh, and Dali’s marvel-
At my Michelangelo’s David.
A shower of sunlight bleeds along your back
Flooding the river
Shadowing the canyons
Carving the little black stars out of your sky