last drink
Years blur into broken fragments of time.
Moments of serenity, moments of oppression.
Venom spewing from professed foes
only to lose sight of a peace.
She exploded. Years of ammunition unleashed furiously at her supposed “enemy”.
He retaliated, every bullet she fired was a suicide mission.
Effortlessly she shot him down.
The bloodbath was shown on every coordinate.
The years were no longer milestones, but merely steps into destruction.
She believed him the enemy.
She reloaded years of pain and agony;
screaming with tears rolling her swollen eyes.
She relinquished-
she loved him.
Her mission was accomplished,
but the amount of damage done was unsure.
This was the point of no return.
He hid his wound until his life could no longer bare the injury.
He sat on the battlefield.
He could no longer desire a peace-
he knew life without her would be misery.
He surrenders and offers a “last drink”,
she was defeated.