
We all have flaws, things we are ashamed of that others appreciate.

Some are jealous of our imperfections or insecure about theirs, so they criticize what we try to hide to feel some sort of satisfaction or closure, although deep down we are all broken on the inside and unable to fix ourselves.

We try to shatter the cage that locks our cold hearts and confines them to a space that only we can visit. This way we can somehow feel alive, but the fear spreads like cancer in a weak mind and we are left treading water in the dark well we created. Deep below the world we once walked, isolated from existence. We spend time attracting lifeless beings that follow us through our lives, like moths circling a beaming lantern in the dark of the night.

Its a vicious cycle that everyone encounters.

I am sucked into the array of the unknown and impurity. Confusion washes over me as I cannot comprehend how I got myself this low.

I was chasing the wrong things, dragging myself through the crisis my life has become.

This hateful place was only visited because I had brought myself there. I let others take advantage of me and steal my uniqueness. Taking my identity for theirs and replacing their minds with the idea of something I had already created.

Jealousy is an evil act.

Don’t be unfaithful to the world because it will pull you so far down into the depths that you will be suffocated and lose the key to what once locked your emotions away. This escape is dead silence in a whisper of wondering voices, and you will regret everything you held back because you will never accept yourself until you feel compassion for those around you.

But it is too late.

You’ve already sank far enough, the end is nearing and the opportunity of saving yourself is so far away that you couldn’t even reach it if you climbed up from the bottomless pit. The deep hole is a wound on your landscape, something no one could mend, because it was one you had dug, giving none a chance to be forgiven but yourself.

You scream as you attempt to rise from the darkness, but slip into the endless fall of regret and unforgivable mistakes.